jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Hi welcome to my blog

My name is Rosandi torres. My birthday on February 6th, I have 18 years old and Study graphic design.
I love: sleeping, talking on the phone, pictures, music, shopping.
My daily routine is to go to college, then go to the gym. I arrive home with your family eat comment on our day. After waking sleep I walk for two hours. Culminating the evening came I shower and my job is doing homework.
MORE ABOUT ME: I have strong character, I get cranky quickly, though I have dream hunger or heat. My family consists of my parents and my two brothers, I have three beautiful nieces, my boyfriend and my friends that I love to go out much.
one of my dreams: to travel around the world.
goals: graduate porpio have my business. be like my dad a great trader.

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